Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What does eIDAS compliance mean for a PKI?

The new eIDAS regulation that has been adopted in the EU (by 1 July 2016) comes with a new set of standard documents from ETSI, specifying particular requirements on PKI. The two new eIDAS standards relevant for PKI are:
  • EN 319 411 - Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates
  • EN 319 412 - Certificate Profiles
The standards are maintained by the standardization body ETSI and can be downloaded from the ETSI download area.

What new requirements do these standards come with? Looking closely there are only two new things needed to be able to claim "eIDAS compliance":
  • A new DN attribute organizationIdentifier
  • New fields in the QCStatement certificate extension
Let's dig a little deeper into these two requirements.


OrganizationIdentifier is a DN attribute with OID specified in X.520. This is an attribute that has, to my knowledge, never been in common use in certificates before. Its usage in the eIDAS context is described in the following sections of EN 319 412:
  • EN 319 412-1 section 5.1.1 and 5.1.4
  • EN 319 412-2 section and 4.2.4
  • EN 319 412-3 section 4.2.1
OrganizationIdentifier is supported in EJBCA Enterprise PKI from version 6.5.2.


There is already a QCStatement extension in use since long. With the new standards comes a few additions.

The new items in the QCStatement extension are:
  • QcType, claiming that the certificate is a EU qualified certificate of a particular type
  • PdsLocation, location of PKI Disclosure Statements (PDS)
The QCStatement is described in:
  • EN 319 411-2 section 6.6.1
  • EN 319 412-1 section 5.1.1 and 5.1.2
  • EN 319 412-2 section 5.1 and 5.2
  • EN 319 412-4 section 4.2
  • EN 319 412-5, full technical description
With the convenient ability to define custom extensions in the EJBCA GUI (since EJBCA 6.4.0) the new QCStatement extension can be easily added to any certificate profile.

EJBCA Enterprise

We strive to support all relevant open PKI standards and it is important to keep EJBCA Enterprise up to date with new and emerging standards. Since EJBCA 6.5.2 eIDAS compliance should be easily achieved on the level of PKI.

More information  

Basic information on EJBCA Enterprise PKI and PKI Appliance developed by PrimeKey.
EJBCA is a registered trademark of PrimeKey Solutions AB in the EU, the United States, Japan and certain other countries.


  1. Muhammad Bilal Ashraf of Ascertia complemented with information about what's new for digital signature services.

    1- Support for server side signing of the data to be signed (DTBS)
    2- Usage of level 2 sole control where 2 factor authentication would be required by the signer before accessing the Signature creation data (i.e. Private Key) from the signature creation device (SCDev). The interesting point is the signer authentication must be enforced by the signature creation device (SCDev) i.e. HSM etc.
    3- The timestamp token should also be obtained using the qualified TSA in case of long term signatures are being created

  2. Update: Since EJBCA Enterprise 6.6.0 (2016-10-19), there is full GUI support for eIDAS QC statements in the EJBCA Admin Web.
