Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bouncy Castle establishes not-for-profit association, accepts donations. FIPS or bust!

Finally there is an actual legal entity established for Bouncy Castle. Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc., is a not-for-profit association based in Australia. Bouncy Castle is glad to announce that as of the 7th November this year (2013), Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc. ABN 84 166 338 567 is now officially recognised by the Australian Government as a charity established for the benefit of education and the benefit of the public in general.

Support contracts are handled through Crypto Workshop Pty Ltd, however the recognition of the charity does mean two important things, you can stop worrying about something weird happening in corporate life affecting the availability of the APIs as everything is getting signed over to the charity, and also importantly, Bouncy Castle is actually authorised to start fund raising for things like FIPS.

So in honor of this, and the upcoming 50th Java release, we're launching our 2013 "FIPS or bust!" Fund Raiser.

Click this donations link!

It's using paypal so if anyone wants to chip in a large amount, direct transfer would be a better option, but you are still recommended to look at the page due to the graphics!

Bouncy Castle currently see over 10000 downloads a week, and gets lots of "When will you be FIPS certified?" emails. The Java API is now over 300,000 lines, the C# one well past 140,000. There are more standards being published every day, and most of the old ones are getting revised. Further on there is trying to constantly monitor for and identify vulnerabilities, as well as taking time out to review contributed code so that the project continues to be a community based effort as well as an Open Source one.

PrimeKey, and me Tomas, supports Bouncy Castle. You should to!

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