Monday, June 22, 2009

Configuring Glassfish and SOAPui to use message level security with digital signatures

I made a simple Jax-WS project with simple webservice. The tricky part is that I wanted message level security with WS-security digital signatures authenticating the message. It took me a while to get it right, so here is how it's done. You can configure WS-security layer on the server side simply by configuring Glassfish use it for all soap messaging. This was the easiest way for me to set it up.

* Configure glassfish:

This will use the default server keystore for signatures, the same keystore that is used for SSL.

In admin console go to: Configuration->Security->Message Security->SOAP
In Message Security tab select:

Default Provider: ServerProvider
Default Client Provider: ClientProvider

In Providers tab click ServerProvider:

Provider Type: server
class name (default): com.sun.xml.wss.provider.ServerSecurityAuthModule
Request policy:
- Authenticate Source: content
- Authenticate Recipient: null (blank)

Response policy:
- Authenticate Source: content
- Authenticate Recipient: null (blank)

Additional Properties:
leave as default

* Configure SOAPui

Create a project and send a message to the server. When the server is configured to require signature you should receive a "Error validating request" message back.

Open project view. Go to tab Security Configuration->Keystores/Certificates.
Add a keystore glassfish/domains/domain1/config/keystore.jks, password changeit and default alias s1as.
Change to tab Outgoing WS-Security Configurations. Create a new configuration called "sign".
Add a new WSS Entry called Timestamp with Time To Live 1000 (or something).
Add a new WSS Entry called Signature:
- Keystore: keystore.jks
- Alias: s1as
- Password: changeit
- Key Identifier Type: Binary Security Token
- Signature Algorithm:
- Signature Canonicalization:
- Use single certificate for signing
- Add a new part: Name=Body, Namespace=, Encode=Element
- Add a new part: Name=Timestamp, Namespace=, Encode=Element

Finally in the request window add the configuration. Select XML view and click Aut in the bottom, select Outgoing WSS=Sign

Now you will probably have an issue with glassfish being unable to verify your message. This is due to canonicalization and SOAPui making nice display of the XML for you.
Go into the XML view and remove all whitespace and newlines in the soapenv:Body tag.

Now it should work!

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