In EJBCA 3.9 the admin GUI will get it's first really nice update in a year or so. Apart from the usual additional options etc that pops up in every release, this release changes a fundamental concept - the first page.
We have long been thinking about have the first page be a kind of portal page where an administrator can get an overview of important status and information of the system. Originally we was planning this for the major re-make of the admin gui planned for 4.1. In 3.9 we got the opportunity, thanks to corporate sponsored development and our new developer Markus.
The first page meeting the administrator now has two panels- One with an overview of CAs on-line/off-line status and CRL status and one with number of pending publisher queue items (new feature in 3.9).
We even got some new style sheet items in there :-).
Combined with the on-line documentation links from the admin GUI (question marks in the image) it's really nice.
View a full set of screen shots at sourceforge.